Bulk It
KC suburbians — Have you heard of Bulk It?
A couple of weeks ago, I went for a little exploration while I was waiting on Lil' Yaya (my Yaris) to get her oil changed. I was moseying in Old Town Lenexa — where there's not much to do at 7:00 a.m. — peeking in windows of silent bars and quiet businesses, when I peered through a window that made my face grow a smile.
From the window I could see an array of fruits, vegetables, bulk bins and those heavenly little ginger candies.
They weren't open yet, but I sat down on the bench outside for a few minutes to read when one of the owners came out to sweep the sidewalk. She kindly invited me in before they officially opened for the day so I could take a better look.
Here's what you can find at Bulk It.
I was impressed by their selection of local foods. The reason I'm writing about this in the first place is that I think it's important to support local businesses. This is a local business that is supporting other local businesses — DOUBLE WHAMMY.
The prices were also pretty good. I would say cheaper than Whole Foods.
It's a small specialty shop, so don't expect to get all your groceries there. In fact, I wouldn't even go with a list. Just go with an open mind and appetite and see what you discover.
I ended up coming home with a few things, including this coffee that's packaging hyped it up to be pretty life-changing.
Side Note: I'm nobody's boss but my own. I just used this mug from my employer's break room.
The coffee didn't change my life. But it was pretty good.
I spent several minutes in the store (Lil' Yaya was still in the shop), and had a nice chat with one of the owners, Nancy. In addition to owning Bulk It, Nancy is a yoga teacher. Rad. She says that Bulk It is a part of her yoga journey. (Just in case you needed another reason to check out Bulk It. #SupportAFellowYogi.)
I grew up in Lawrence, Kansas, where we had a large local natural food store. If we have one in KC, I am unaware. We have all the chains — Whole Foods, Natural Grocers, Sprouts, Trader Joe's — but nothing to my knowledge that specializes in natural, local foods. (Until now!)
If you're in the KC suburbs, or you ever find yourself in Lenexa, Kansas, you should stop by Bulk It!
Do you have any favorite local food finds in the KC area? If so, please share!
NOTE: I was not compensated for this post. I just want to help spread the word about a lovely new addition to KC suburbia's local business community!