Summer Solstice journaling exercise + yoga flow

Reignite your inner fire and set some strong intentions for the coming 3 months.

Summer Solstice is tomorrow! This year, it falls on International Yoga Day. What a perfect opportunity for us to set some intentions for the summer and hit our mat.

If you're reading this AFTER the solstice is technically over, that's OK. Around this time is good for setting intentions. It's not like missing the "deadline" makes it pointless to do anything. Often times I miss the solstice or a full moon and feel disappointed that I forgot to do anything special but if motherhood has taught me anything it's to be flexible. Do things in your own time, when you have time.

Anyway, let's talk about the solstice.

Summer Solstice is the longest day and shortest night of the year. Different cultures have varying beliefs and traditions surrounding this day. Swedes hang greenery to bring good fortune and traditionally celebrate by dancing around a maypole. Some people in France celebrate with a bonfire, a pagan ritual. At least that's what Google told me. Sometimes yogis celebrate by doing 108 sun salutations and meditating.

I've done this before, but 108 is a lot of sun salutations, and it makes my shoulders dead. Instead, I'm sharing a more balanced (and shorter) practice on YouTube, along with a journaling exercise to help you set some intentions.


Journaling Exercise

If you created any goals for the year, now's a time to revisit them ... or create new ones. Write down these goals and answer these questions/journaling prompts for each goal.

Why is this goal important to you?

What actions can you take in the next 3 months to work toward this goal?

What are some self-care practices I can do to fuel my inner fire?

That inner fire is your inner doer, action taker and the thing that ignites your passions. That's what we're working with in the yoga practice below.


Summer Solstice Yoga Practice

Flow with your intentions in mind. We'll start with some sun salutations and work our way into some strong, heat-building poses. We'll also be doing some pranayama (breathing exercises) to help stroke your inner flame. If you can practice this outside facing the sun, bonus points. :)