Making yoga what YOU need (Guest post by Sarah Goodman)


This is a guest post by Sarah Goodman, owner of POSE Yoga Studio in Overland Park, KS. 

Sarah began her journey of learning yoga in 2005 practicing at sunrise in Red Rocks, Colorado. Her personal yoga practice is Christian based, deepening her connection with Him.

Sarah's excitement for yoga and the opportunity to bring a healthy lifestyle to her friends led her to Cape Coral, Florida. In Florida, she studied the art and became certified to instruct. Her practice has always helped bring her to where she needed to be, mind, body, and soul, along with prayer and faith.

As a student of Sarah's, I can say that she brings a peaceful presence to her classes. I always leave her classes feeling space in my body and mind with a smile on my face. I look up to her as a yogi and am grateful to have her in my life.

Yoga is widely practiced for exercise and relaxation in the Midwest. Yoga can be very powerful, but it’s true beauty is in the heart of the beholder. My yoga practice helps me learn to be less like myself and more like God every day. For most yogis, their practice is much more than just working out. 

It is often said that every time you come to your yoga mat, you’re different.

Not just physically, but emotionally and sometimes spiritually as well.

Usually, when you come to “do yoga” you are carrying something within that equates to judging yourself or judging others. This seems to be always present and constantly variable in everyday life.

Yoga helps to reveal and release these judgments.

In experiencing the truth within, yoga becomes magical. We are able to seek self-identity and discover who we truly are, and remember also who we are not, finding truth and discovering wisdom.

Everyone’s reason to try yoga and stick with his or her practice is different. Individuals each take a lot more than we realize from our classes.

The funny thing about yoga is, it doesn’t matter.

Your needs are different from your neighbor’s needs or mine. Only your practice can help you find resolve. As instructors, we facilitate the process and environment to allow our participants to look within and release whatever it is. Really, isn’t that is what life is all about, to enhance the lives of others.

We can heal our mind and body and transform ourselves using the techniques of yoga.

No matter what approach to life a person has, yoga can strengthen your position and help you better open up to the God of your understanding. Living a more mindful and centered life, taking control of your journey. Seeing and accepting through compassion and a commitment to yourself, now, to be you and love it.