Facing my problems and pulling mother effing weeds.
Read MoreThis guided meditation will help us move some of that stuck energy out so that we can make space for something that better serves us.
Read MoreA short meditation to welcome summer. Plus, why yogis do 108 sun salutations on Summer Solstice.
Read MoreReflections of a former mirror-aholic.
Read MoreCardio, carbs, weight loss and some yoga philosophy (Samskara).
Read MoreIdentifying the source of your insecurities.
Read MoreMy philosophy on running and food, and a review of Phenoh — an alkaline-balancing recovery drink!
Read MoreWhy should that mind-body connection only happen during your yoga practice (asanas)? Here are three ways to build body awareness off the mat.
Read MoreTo be vulnerable is to be weak? According to author/speaker/vulnerability badass Brene Brown, that's not the case. Here's what vulnerability really is, why it's totally rad, and my commitment to go all in.
Read MoreKale, shaved brussels sprouts, roasted almonds and sliced vegan pepperonis make up this yummy springtime salad.
Read MoreThis dressing has subtle flavors of cheese, garlic and cashews. It's super creamy and tastes good on almost any salad (especially Buddha bowls!).
Read MoreRestore balance in the body and mind in one minute — that's just 0.069% of your day — with this one-minute meditation.
Read MoreThrough PTSD treatment, I learned coping skills such as going to the woods. But the truth is, we all need these safe places. We don't have to experience trauma to feel anxious and need a space to center ourselves.
Read MoreOh em gee, the vegetable spiralizer is life-changing. Also, this creamy pasta sauce has a sneaky substitute for heavy cream that lightens it up without sacrificing yumminess.
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